Sermons from South Norfolk (Audio)
"To God Be the Glory" was the hymn used to open every Evening Worship Service, broadcast live on WXRI-FM. This is from the July 2, 1978 Service. Minister of Music and Education: Hammond Coates, Organist: Gwen Whitehurst, Pianist: Joe Hughes.
Chauncey German: Soloist and Music Director, SNBC
“My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me”
Words and Music: William C. Martin (1864-1914) Born:
December 25, 1864, Hightstown, New Jersey. Died: August 30, 1914, Rialto,
Florida. Buried: Fort Myers, Florida. Martin was pastor of the Grace Baptist
Church (formerly Cramer’s Hill), Camden, New Jersey (1891-4); Noank Baptist
Church, Noank, Connecticut (1894-1900); Grace Baptist Church, Somerville,
Massachusetts (near Boston; at the time of his arrival there it was noted
he was from “Bluffton, Indiana”); and the First Baptist Church in Ft. Myers,
Florida, from 1912 until his death.
1. I
trust in God wherever I may be,
Upon the land or on the rolling sea;
For come what may from day to day,
My heav'nly Father watches over me.
I trust in God, I know He cares for me;
On mountain bleak or on the stormy sea;
Though billows roll, He keeps my soul,
My heav'nly Father watches over me.
2. He
makes the rose an object of His care,
He guides the eagle through the pathless air;
And surely He remembers me,
My heav'nly Father watches over me.
I trust in God, I know He cares for me;
On mountain bleak or on the stormy sea;
Though billows roll, He keeps my soul,
My heav'nly Father watches over me.
The valley may be dark, the shadows deep,
But oh, the shepherd guards His lonely sheep;
And through the gloom, He'll lead me home,
My heav'nly Father watches over me.
I trust in God, I know He cares for me;
On mountain bleak or on the stormy sea;
Though billows roll, He keeps my soul,
My heav'nly Father watches over me.
(More music of Chauncey German can be found in the "Music For Worship" web page section of this website)
George Maxon Vail was born July 2, 1892 and died August 24, 1974, aged 82. He is buried in Orient, Suffolk County, New York.
King All-Glorious is an Easter anthem for SATB
voices with organ and piano accompaniment. The second verse begins with a soprano
solo, with SATB voices joining in on the chorus. Features a 12-bar
passage "Crown Him with Many Crowns" (Tune - Diademata) in the
final verse. Words by: Charles
Wesley. Music by: George M. Vail
Rejoice, the Lord is King! Your Lord and King adore! Mortals, give thanks, give thanks and sing, And triumph evermore. The Lord is King! Rejoice! The Lord is King! Jesus the Saviour reigns, The God of truth and love: When He had purged, had purged our stain, He took His seat above. Lift up your heart! Lift up your voice! The Lord is King!
(Solo) King all glorious, Lord of Hosts almighty, Thou art reveal'd in victory, O'er all the world ascended, King all glorious! King all glorious! Thou art reveal'd in victory.
(repeat as descant over ...) Jesus the Saviour reigns, Your Lord and King adore. Hail ye the Lord and King! Hail ye the Lord and King! Jesus the Saviour reigns, Your King adore.
Rejoice, the Lord is King! Your Lord and King adore! Mortals, give thanks, give thanks and sing, And triumph evermore. The Lord is King! Rejoice! The Lord is King! King all glorious, O'er all the world ascended, Thou art reveal'd in victory. King all glorious, Lord of Hosts almighty!
Crown Him with many crowns, The Lamb upon His throne, Hark! how the heav'nly anthem drowns All music but its own: Awake, my soul and sing Of Him who died for thee,
(chorus) And hail Him as thy chosen King Through all eternity. Amen. (descant) King all glorious, Lord of Hosts almighty! King all glorious, reign
South Norfolk Baptist was blessed to have a wonderful Men's Chorus and Men's Quartet
The South Norfolk Baptist Choir had many talented ladies and gentlemen, who sang in ensembles, duets, and as soloists
Jim and Joe Hughes: Evening Devotions
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"Behold Your King" Easter Cantata
Mr. Chauncey German, Choir Director
"Fantasia on the Hymn Tune ‘Duke Street,’" with Gwen Whitehurst at
the Henry Pilcher's Sons 15 rank pipe organ, and Betty LeBlanc at the Baldwin grand
piano. (South Norfolk Baptist Church). Followed by the Cantata, "Behold Your King."
Narrator: Mr. Roy Shields.
Soloists: Mr. Ruben Hulion, Mr. Jack Hollowell, Mr. Chauncey German,
Mrs. Edna Raper, Duet: Mr. Jack Hollowell and Mrs. Gladys Dengel. Rev. Jerry
Odom, Minister of Education: thanks the choir and musicians, and asks Rev.
Henry Napier, Pastor of Raleigh Heights Baptist Church, to pronounce the
benediction. (40 min., in Stereo).
Program No. 922, from Jim Hughes’ tape collection; recorded in stereo on Ampex
with ElectroVoice Mikes; re-mastered on BASF tape transferred on AKAI 4 track
stereo). (There
is a slight break when the tape is turned over; no part of the cantata is
"No Greater Love" Easter Cantata
“No Greater Love.”
Easter Cantata, by John W. Peterson.
Adult Choir. April 22, 1984. (Unfortunately the microphone was placed too
near the piano, and this resulted in distortion when the choir and soloists
sang). Pianist: Russell Matthews. Narrator: Mr. Will Parsons. Actors: Truman
Close, Butch Prescott, Cheryl Todd, and some who cannot be identified. Solos: Jimmie Scott, Gayle Harrell, Ruben
Hulion, Stella Pierce. Invitation
offered by Rev. Steve Feehan. Hymn:
“Jesus Paid it All.”
"Night of Miracles" Christmas Cantata
A Day of Singing and Praise
All South Norfolk Baptist Church Choirs, Evening Service Broadcast on WXRI-FM (Adult Choir Director: Chauncey German, Organist: Gwen Whitehurst, Pianist and Youth Choir Director: Betty LeBlanc)
Summer Concert for Church Music Week, South Norfolk Baptist Church, August 27, 1980
Allen Organ Dedication, DeBaun Memorial Baptist Church, Chesapeake, Virginia. Rev. Joe Hughes, Pastor. Organist: Gwen Whitehurst.
Gwen Whitehurst at the Organ
“Don´t Go Away
Without Jesus”
-Laurie F. Taylor
don’t go away without Jesus,
Oh don’t go away without him.
You know he is willing to save you,
And cleanse from your heart every sin.
Oh, yield to his offer of mercy,
Oh, take of the grace he imparts;
And don’t go away without Jesus in your heart.
Sermons from South Norfolk (Morning Worship Services)
Special Services at South Norfolk
following early sermon preached by Dr. Mac Brunson, in a morning worship
service at South Norfolk Baptist, is included here for historical reasons, and because
our family agreed that he was one of the most outstanding preachers we had ever
heard. I enjoyed so much, when on
vacation from my own pastorate, to be able to come back with my wife, and sit
and hear him preach God’s Word. It is instructive for South Norfolk Baptist
entering the 21st Century: after giving detailed statistics concerning the
doctrinal errors some Southern Baptists are falling into, he presents a message
that outlines the only way for a church to grow.
Joint Worship Service with the Choirs and Congregations of
South Norfolk Baptist Church and Rosemont Christian Church: at South Norfolk
Baptist Church. (February 26, 1984).
(Choir Director: Stewart Stanley. Organist: Russell Matthews. Pianist: Mona Ware). Prelude.
Choral Call to Worship: “He Lives.” Responsive Reading No. 527. Evening Prayer. Hymn: “The Lily of the Valley.” Anthem:
“King All Glorious” (Soloist: Mrs. Gladys Dengel). Solo and Choir: “Seek Ye the Lord.” Anthem:
“Come, Holy Spirit.” Hymn: “Since Jesus Came into My Heart.” Offertory Prayer:
Rev. Hughes. Offertory: “Largo” by Handel. (Russell Matthews and Mona
Ware). Solo: “The Church is the Light.” Anthem: “When I Survey.” Anthem: “Amazing Grace” (features Deagan Chimes). Hymn: “Saved,
Saved.” Solo: “The King is Coming.”
Anthem: “I’ll Fly Away.” Anthem:
“O Victory in Jesus.” Anthem: “God Bless America.” Invitation Hymn: “Turn Your
Eyes Upon Jesus.” Three-Fold Amen.
Sermons by Rev. Melvin J. Hughes (brother of Rev. Frank Hughes, Jr.)
(Notes: Some of these sound files have Congregation Hymns, Offertories, Anthems, Duets, Invitation Hymns, etc. In a few cases, the tape ran out before the sermon finished. All sermons, unless otherwise noted, are from Princess Anne Plaza Baptist Church, Virginia Beach, VA.)
Under Construction: More Sermons by Rev. Melvin J. Hughes will be added in the near future.
W.M.U. (Woman's Missionary Union of the Southern Baptist Convention) Annual Meeting in Virginia, 1984. Three Meditations presented by Mrs. Marjorie McCullough, first Director of G.A.'s (Girls Auxillary).
Mrs. Edith Vaughn Parker, Missionary to Brazil, spoke at the WMU Annual Virginia Conference, 1984.
While on vacation, our family always worshiped on Sunday. It was a wonderful experience to sometimes visit historic churches, such as New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, Washington, DC, where Presidents John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, and Dwight Eisenhower attended.
The following sound file is a sermon we heard, preached by Dr. George Docherty, upon the occasion of his last service before retirement.
James Read Hughes funeral service conducted by Dr. William L. Lumpkin (Freemason Street Baptist Church, Norfolk), Dr. Donald Bowen (Downtown Baptist Church, Alexandria). Organist: Gwen Whitehurst, Pianist: Betty LeBlanc.
(The Schulmerich chimes can be heard playing on the tower music system, at the conclusion of the service, during the postlude as the clergy, pallbearers, and family exit the church).
Jim played the Trombone in the Oscar F. Smith High School Band. A rare recording has been discovered of their Band Concert for 1962.
Joe at RBA
(Ridgecrest Baptist Assembly)
“From the Mountain Top of
Vision and Inspiration, Southern Baptists would carry the message of Jesus into
every valley of human need.”
(From B. W. Spilman
Auditorium cornerstone, 1938)
Rev. R.F. Staples was the first Manager of Ridgecrest.
Dedication of the Spillman Auditorium
Spillman Auditorium as it looks today.
Inscription on side of Children's Building, Ridgecrest
Robert L. Middleton's book written on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of Ridgecrest Baptist Assembly, has now been put into the public domain, and is offered here for you to read:
"Ridgecrest" a booklet published in 1928, by Dr. Bernard W. Spilman (for whom the Spilman Auditorium at Ridgecrest was named), is now in public domain, and offered here:
The train brought folks to Ridgecrest from the village of Old Fort:
Williard K. Weeks retired in 1968.
Two articles from "The State" Magazine of North Carolina about Ridgecrest:
Some who spoke at RBA: (Recorded while I served on the Staff)
Dr. David R. Mace: Christian Life Conference, Crystal Springs Annex, Ridgecrest Baptist Assembly, 1966
Rev. Sam Tatem led Evening Devotions at Ridgecrest, 1968. Testimonies (in order of speaker): Joe Hughes, Eddie Briggs, Jr., unknown, Kathy Curling, unknown, Mrs. Sam Tatem; closing prayer: Rev. Tatem.
Joe, Dr. Charles Harmon, President of Bluefield College, and his roommate, Vernon MtCastle.
Vernon MtCastle and Joe at Bluefield College
(with hands in was cold!)
A History of Bluefield College: (from the public domain)
Some who spoke in the Chapel:
"A Festival of
A program
presented by WFOS-FM, March 1, 1965.
Researched and
Produced by Jim and Joe Hughes
Brandenburg Concerto
No. 5 in D major BWV 1050 - 1. Allegro
Otto Büchner, violin;
Paul Meisen, flute; Karl Richter conducts the Münchener Bach Orchester, from the public domain:
CPT Anthony LaZizza, conducts the Fork Union Military Academy Band in a concert, Christmas 1971:
Joe was Asst. Planetarium Director, F.U.M.A.
Joe's trip to the 100th Anniversary, Appomattox Court House, April 9, 1965:
Joe, seen here at graduation, sang in the Oscar Smith High School Boys Chorus, Main Chorus, and All-State Chorus. Chorus Teachers: Richard Barnes (1964), Leonard Bennett (1965), Brett Watson (1966).
Smith High School Boy’s Chorus:
Dick Barnes in Oscar Smith High School auditorium. Gwen Whitehurst told me that she knew Mr. Barnes personally, and that he was a superb musician!
Leonard Bennett, Chorus Teacher (1965)
Brett Watson, Chorus Teacher (1966)
Brett Watson graduated from the Eastman School of Music, and had what was called "Perfect Pitch" musical ability.
"A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens
This is a radio drama produced on Christmas Eve, 1958, at
WRVC-FM, a Norfolk radio station, where Gwen Whitehurst was often invited to
play the piano, and where Jim and Joe worked while in college. When the station was forced to close in the late
1960’s, due to financial problems, the Vice President, Dr. Clay, gave the original recordings of this
radio play and "The Gift of the Magi," by O. Henry, (about a young married couple, and how they deal with the challenge of
buying secret Christmas gifts for each other, with very little money; a story with a biblical lesson about gift-giving, read by Audrey Dickens), to Joe as a parting gift. It
is here offered for you at the Christmas season, a time when we remember and
honor the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Charles Dickens’ story
tells of sour and stingy Ebenezer Scrooge’s ideological, ethical, and emotional
transformation after the supernatural visits of Jacob Marley and the Ghosts of
Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come.
This live studio production, which features the great grandson of Charles Dickens,
is set within a religious context, with the use of the hymn, “See, Amid the
Winter’s Snow,” also known as “Hymn for Christmas Day,” written by Edward
Caswall, with music composed by Sir John Goss. It is found in many hymnbooks, and sung at
1. See, amid the
winter's snow,
Born for us on
Earth below,
See, the tender
Lamb appears,
Promised from
eternal years.
'Hail, thou ever
blessed morn,'
redemption's happy dawn,'
'Sing through all
'Christ is born
in Bethlehem.
2. Lo, within a
manger lies
He who built the
starry skies;
He who, throned
in height sublime,
Sits among the
3. Teach, O teach
us, Holy Child,
By Thy face so
meek and mild,
Teach us to
resemble Thee,
In Thy sweet