False Teachers:

Priscillia Shirer

Joel Osteen

Joyce Meyer

Beth Moore

Christine Caine

T.D. Jakes

Brian Houston

Lisa Bevere

John Bevere

Sarah Young
"Word of Faith" False Teachers
(sometimes referred to as "Word Faith")
Dr. Justin Peters (Th.D., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary)
discussed the "Word of Faith" false teachers movement at the "Strange Fire Conference" 2013, hosted by Grace to You.
(all rights reserved, used with permission).

“Word of Faith” Series by Justin Peters

Following is a series of analyses by correspondent Justin Peters. These special articles

were first printed in the Baptist Record each week from September 25, 2003, to October 16, 2003.

Joel Osteen blesses Houston's new (gay) mayor

Annise Parker

Joel Osteen Waffles Again
Joel Osteen:  Origins and Errors of his Teaching
(A Keith Thompson Film, courtesy of Youtube)

Your Best Lie Now - Revealing the Lies of Joel Osteen's Teachings

Joel Osteen biffs it again!
(video courtesy of Wretched TV)

John MacArthur Rebukes Joel Osteen

"The Osteen Predicament----Mere Happiness Cannot Bear the Weight of the Gospel"
-Dr. R. Albert Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary:

Joyce Meyer, TV preacherette, Fenton, MO.:
a "Word Faith" false teacher

Joyce Meyer is "Word of Faith" Heretic
With Tim Martin, Watchman Fellowship

Joyce Meyer's "Identity Theft"

Joyce Meyer's "Power Thoughts"

Pastor John MacArthur preaches against the "Prosperity Gospel" heresy, which is advocated by various "Seeker Sensitive" pastors and heretics, exposing their teaching as a satanic, false Christianity and false view of God. He calls several out by name, including Benny Hinn, Joyce Meyer, and Kenneth Copeland, and says he believes that they all hate the true God.

(This is an excerpt from John MacArthur's sermon, "A True Knowledge of the True God." Used by permission.)

John Piper discusses "Prosperity Gospel"

Word of Faith Teachers: Origins and Errors of Their Teaching