Joe Hughes is Rev. Frank Hughes, Jr.'s third son. 

Chaplain (MAJ) Joe Hughes, USA (Ret)
QMC&S/TRADOC Instructor of the Year (1999)
First Chaplain assigned to the QMC&S
First Chaplain awarded the Honorable Order of St.  Martin
Lifetime Member: Association of Quartermasters
Member: American Legion

Bachelor of Science: Old Dominion University.
Master of Divinity and Religious Education: Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Additional studies: University of Richmond Graduate School, Virginia Commonwealth University, University of North Carolina Graduate School.
Virginia Postgraduate Professional License.
State of N.C. Department of Public Instruction License.
Clinical Pastoral Education (4 Units) (ACPE), Walter Reed AMC.
Member: Organ Historical Society, and
American Guild of Organists.
Member of the Royal College of Organists.
Basic Training, Fort Dix, New Jersey:
Chaplain Officer Basic and Advanced Training, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey:
Promotion to First Lieutenant:
Promotion to Captain:
Chaplain Hughes' first Active Duty assignment was to the new "Spiritual Fitness Center," which was developed by Chaplain Ken Robinson. (See picture above). In addition to conducting religious services and counseling Soldiers, his duties included:

·      Assessed current Spiritual Fitness Center ministry.

·      Analyzed and developed proposals and programs to extend manpower utilization, hours, and soldier involvement.

·      Wrote a comprehensive Standing Operating Procedure (SOP), which became model for all Unit Ministry Teams at Fort Lee and presented to an Army-wide audience via USA Chaplain Center and School website.

·      Researched and documented Asian/Pacific Customs in the Workplace.

Instructor: Chaplain Joe Hughes

First Chaplain Assigned to the Quartermaster Center&School

Lifetime Member: Association of Quartermasters

Awarded the Honorable Order of Saint Martin.

Chaplain Hughes receives the
Distinguished Instructor Award,
Instructor of the Year Award, and
Recognition Awards from several
Training Departments

Quartermaster Center and School
Fort Lee, Virginia

Chaplain Hughes' duties while at the QMC&S:

·      Chaplain to a multifunctional installation providing curriculum, instruction, counseling to a large and varied base population.

·      Served as advisor to the Commandant and Assistant Commandant.

·      Implemented directives of the Commandant and Assistant Commandant.

·      Provided for the religious, moral, and morale needs of Quartermaster, Judge Advocate Officer Basic, and Instructor Development Course students, families, staff, and faculty.

·      Supported Human Relations Action Plan and Installation EO/EEO programs.

·      Researched/wrote new Consideration of Others (CO2) training programs at command level.  Facilitated numerous Consideration of Others training programs at command level.

·      Planned/facilitated the National Prayer Breakfast.

·      Researched/wrote briefing products on current Balkan crisis; updated country studies on North Korea.

·      Participated in Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Chaplain training: Stress, Trauma, and Grief Therapy. 

·      Provided field services for Judge Advocate Officer Basic Course students.

·      Preached at main post chapel on permanent rotation.

·      Taught Adult Bible Study Courses.

·      Sang with the Christmas Cantata Choir.

MG (Ret) James M. Wright,
one of the General Officers Chaplain Hughes served under.
Chaplain Hughes wrote the "Quartermaster Prayer" adopted by the Regiment
Chaplain Hughes wrote, produced, and presented a variety of training and counseling products for Soldiers, Marines, and their families. Training programs included background research, student handouts, discussion, and small group interaction.
Here are the title slides from some of the programs he presented.

Chaplain Joe Hughes at Patriot Chapel, Fort Lee, Virginia
April 27, 1997.
Sermon: "Pack Up Your Troubles."

CH Hughes conducts wedding for
David and Carrie Powell, Fort Lee, May 17, 1997:

Chaplain Hughes served on a duty rotation, preaching at the Memorial Chapel, Fort Lee, Virginia, while at the Quartermaster Center&School.

Chaplain Joe Hughes at Walter Reed Hospital Chapel. October 13, 2002.  Sermon: “And there were Other Little Ships.”  Mark 4:36. (Chaplain Hughes served as Chaplain to Psychiatry, Neurology, Neurosurgery Wards and Clinics for in/out patients, doctors, nursing staff; and Social Work Services Department personnel/clients. He preached in the Memorial Chapel on the post, and also in the main hospital's Heaton Pavillion Chapel, where this recording was made).

While stationed at Fort George G. Meade, MD,  Chaplain Hughes worked at the Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center.

While stationed at Fort George G. Meade, MD, he was invited to preach at Cavalry Chapel,  November 2, 2003.  Sermon:  “Jesus and the Storm.”

His last assignment before retiring back to Virginia, was at Fort Sam Houston, TX. Chaplain Hughes preached at three chapels: AMEDD Chapel (as Brigade Chaplain), Dodd Field Chapel (as Family Life Chaplain), and at the Main Post "Gift" Chapel (as Protestant Pastor).

The beautiful Main Post Chapel, known as the "Gift Chapel," was dedicated in 1909, by President William Howard Taft.
President William Howard Taft
Prior to entering Active Duty, Rev. Hughes served three Virginia Baptist Churches. One of these, Biltmore Baptist, for 11 1/2 years.  Here is a Mother's Day sermon he preached there.
I was sometimes asked if I ever "preached" my Dad's sermons.  Except for five of his that I used with his permission, the answer is "No."  -J.H.
Rev. Joe Hughes visits the Mt. Zion Primitive Baptist Church, Hillsville, Virginia
While on Active Duty, I had several brief assignments to USMA, West Point.  Opportunity was afforded to visit all the chapels on post, and attend several concerts and organ recitals.  Some recent videos are posted here, and pictures of my travels will be forthcoming.
Diane Bish plays "Fanfare" by John Cook, on the pipe organ in the main post Cadet Chapel

Originally built by M.P. Möller - Opus 1200, 1911

The current West Point stoplist with a total of 874 speaking stops controlling 23,236 pipes, is awesome in both its scale and its unique character. The impressive four-manual keydesk is arguably the world's largest "horseshoe" console.

Some photos from USMA Cemetery
While serving at Ft. Lee, I was given the opportunity as Instructor at the QMC&S, to serve International Officer students as well as those from the U.S.  I dedicate the following music, to my friends and students from the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweeden, Netherlands, Germany, Mexico, and the Middle East:
Dawn Service on the 100th Anniversary of Gallipoli, 2015
Corporal Matthew Creek of the Royal Military College Band plays "The Last Post" at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra. "The Last Post" is one of a number of bugle calls in military tradition that mark the phases of the day. In military tradition, the "Last Post" is the bugle call that signifies the end of the day's activities. It is also sounded at military funerals to indicate that the soldier has gone to his final rest and at commemorative services such as ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day.
(Shot and edited by Mr Kon Velanis Defence Digital Media

The 2018 Dawn Service at the Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Wednesday 25 April.

The Anzac Day 2018 National Ceremony begins with the traditional order of service including the Veterans' March, commemorative address, wreath laying, hymns, the sounding of the Last Post, observance of one minute’s silence, and the national anthems of Australia and New Zealand.

This year Memorial visitors and viewers of our live stream heard from The Hon Kim Beazley AC, and former Rat of Tobruk, Bob Semple, an Australian Second World War veteran.
"Of Soldiers and Altars"  a public domain film presentation by 'The Big Picture' about the Army Chaplaincy and it's work:
"Of Soldiers and Altars" in MP4 Format:
"The Bridge" (History of the Army Chaplaincy) in MP4 Format: