Note: Your internet "browser" must support "Vimeo" type “You Tubes,” to see some of the films on this page.  Most will not play on mobile iPhone or iPad.

and their "pastors" discussed on this web page:

Cedar Ridge Community Church, MD

Mars Hill Bible Church, Grandville, Michigan

Lakewood Church, Houston, TX

Joyce Meyer ministries

Elevation Church, NC

NewSpring Church, Anderson, SC

Mars Hill, Seattle, WA

Potter’s House, Dallas, TX

Richmond Outreach Center, VA


Granger Community Church

Flamingo Road, Cooper City, FLA

Seacoast Church, Mt.Pleasant, SC

Saddleback Church, CA

Moasic Church, CA

Willow Creek, Chicago,

National Community Church, D.C.

New Life Providence, Virginia Beach, VA


Bethel Church, Redding, CA

Fellowship Church, Grapevine, TX

Solomon’s Porch, Minn.

World Harvest Church, Columbus, OH

Skulls Church,

Covenant Baptist, Garden Ridge, TX

"The Emergent Church" Heresy

What is the "Emergent" or "Emerging"

Starting in the 1990's, it is  evangelical pragmatism wedded to postmodernism.  Not really an authentic "movement" as such, it is a contextualization of Christianity for postmodern culture.  Some who embrace this are convinced that the culture of the 1990s and beyond, demand major changes in the church with a new social agenda, new worship styles, or new doctrines.  Those pastors who wanted to move beyond the "Seeker-Sensitive" and "Purpose-Driven" Church styles, speak of "the Emerging Church," and key leaders in this formed an organization named "Emergent" with their own web:  The movement is commonly referred to as either the "Emerging Church" or "the Emergent Church."  Profane language is one side effect of postmodern pragmatism.  The main ingredient in this movement is denial of the authority of Scripture and doctrine of substitutionary atonement of Christ. 

It is strictly New Age idolatry, complete with it's own website,  Some Emergent leaders are now aware of the backlash by conservative, Bible-believing/preaching ministers of the Gospel, and have decided to stop calling the movement "Emergent."  There is now a trend toward these heretics declaring themselves as the true representatives of neo-Calvinism, but using every pragmatic methodology they have to make the "New Calvinism" seem more attractive, until some new fad comes along for them to foist off on the church.

2 Timothy 4:2-5

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

2 "Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with [a]great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."

One of the leading exponents of the "Emergent Church," Brian McLaren, denies the Second Coming of Christ.
More about him on this web page.
Many think that the "Emerging Church" movement was started by a bunch of young people who wanted a "hip atmosphere" at church..........not so at all:


-Dr. James Duncan

Perry Noble, Steven Furtick, Mark Driscoll, Rick Warren, and many, many others are trying to redefine church by making it primarily about nonbelievers; more entertainment, recreation; adjusting the worship of God. If you ask them, they’ll give a perfunctory answer that church is really for God, but their actions and emphasis tell us that it’s mainly about nonbelievers.


Steven Furtick at Elevation Church, specifically told his audience that they were more interested in people outside the family of God.


Getting people in the doors is much more important than offering them anything once they walk in. Make them feel bad, conscript them into the army, and get more people in the doors.


Several terms have been used to describe these new churches: emergent, emerging, seeker sensitive, etc.   It’s all very confusing, so I offer a new term:

"The Turnstile Church."


Definition: Churches that attract people for the purpose of attracting more people for the purpose attracting more people for the purpose…


Feed my sheep? Not so much.


How is that working out for you?


 Although I reject the premise that we can draw people to Christ by changing their opinion of the church, let’s look at what a culturally contrite approach has wrought in the church.

                  It entertains error.

                  It advocates assault.

                  It sexually stimulates.

                  It castigates Christians.

                  It secularizes the sanctuary.

                  It fouls with f-words.

                  It lessens learning.

                  It diminishes discipleship.

                  It patronizes parents.

                  It finds hell hilarious.

                  It abandons alliteration.

What’s not to like?

-Dr. James Duncan

The Emergent Church movement is a progressive Christian movement that attempts to elevate experience and feelings on a par with Christian doctrine.  Many do not believe man can know absolute truth, and believe God must be experienced outside of traditional biblical doctrines.  Often, a pastor will introduce "Emergent" ideas, or books written by "Emergent" authors into their teaching/preaching ministry, and the congregation is none the wiser.

"The Real Roots of the Emergent Church"
Can be found at this website: 

(Copy and paste in your web browser and click to open; or view the film directly below the description)

about the film:

Because diversity characterizes the Emergent Church movement, it is difficult to paint everyone in the movement with a broad brush. Some have observed that defining the Emergent Church is like nailing jello to a wall. All participants agree on their disillusionment with the institutional church, but do not all agree on where the church is destined to go from here. They share a common concern with many evangelicals over the state of the modern church, especially the mega-church phenomenon and “seeker-friendly” churches. For this reason, many evangelicals who observe the Emerging Church are fascinated by it, drawn to its creative approaches to worship, genuineness of many of the leaders and desire to reach Gen Xers. However, these evangelicals fail to look beyond it to understand its underlying theology, or lack thereof.


This Christian documentary film The Real Roots of the Emergent Church will take an honest look at the leaders of the Emerging Church movement such as Brian McLaren, Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones, Rob Bell, Tony Campolo, Steve Chalke, Peter Rollins, Dan Kimball, Richard Rohr, Phyllis Tickle, Spencer Burke and others. Who are they and what are they teaching? Become familiar with the postmodern Emergent Church and its popular tactic of literary deconstruction applied to the Bible. This film takes an in-depth look at what the Emerging Church believes concerning the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Scriptures, absolute truth, hell, homosexuality, mysticism, contemplative prayer, other religions, and eschatology in comparison to the Bible. Much more than candles and couches!


Subjects of this film were contacted for direct interviews. Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones and others were contacted in April 2011. No response. At a Love Wins book signing, Rob told us he would be willing to do an interview and to contact his church which was done several times with no response. We do not fault them for that knowing they are all probably very busy people. But for this reason we have resorted to their own public statements. This film is our way of joining the conversation.


Participants: Eric Ludy, Joe Schimmel, Chris Rosebrough, Bob DeWaay, Gary Gilley, Ray Yungen, Robert LeBus, Jay Peters, James Sundquist.


Written, Edited & Directed by Elliott Nesch

Leaders of the "Emergent Church" Movement


(Destroying Christianity, from the inside out)



 "Beware of False Prophets" Billboards


Did you know that every book/epistle of the New Testament includes at least one warning to us to exercise discernment and to be on guard against false teachers and their false teachings?


Surely, if it is that important to the Lord, then shouldn't it be just as important to us, especially during these last days?


Chris Rosebrough of Pirate Christian Radio recently created and tweeted out the following images that remind us of God's own words of caution to His beloved sheep (that's you and me, folks).

Brian McLaren, Cedar Ridge Community Church, Maryland:

an "Emergent Church"

Robb Bell: Mars Hill Bible Church, Grandville, Michigan:
an "Emergent Church"
(Recently forced to resign by the congregation for heresy; trying to make a comeback with a podcast site).

Joel Osteen: Lakewood Church, Houston, Texas:
a "Word of Faith" false teacher leading
an "Emergent/Seeker Sensitive-style Church"

Joyce Meyer, TV preacherette, Fenton, MO.:
a "Word Faith" false teacher, and "Emergent"

Steven Furtick, Elevation Church, Charlotte, North Carolina:
an "Emergent Church"
Perry Noble: NewSpring Church, Anderson, South Carolina:
an "Emergent Church" 
(Noble was recently publicly censored by the South Carolina Southern Baptist State Convention, for preaching heresy).

Mark Driscoll, (who resigned in October 2014), Mars Hill Church, Seattle, WA:
an "Emergent Church"
(Church has gone bankrupt and folded; Driscoll is trying to make a comeback with a new website and accept preaching invitations to churches who teach/preach heresy, like Hillsong).
"Bishop" T.D. Jakes, Potter's House, Dallas, TX:
an "Emergent Church"
T.D. Jakes daughter,
Cora Jakes-Coleman,
makes an appearance, Mother's Day, 2016,
as the guest "preacherette":
Rev. Chris Rosebrough reviews her "sermon":

The Emerging Church diagnosed by Rev. Gary Gilley

At the conclusion of part 3 of the interview with Rev. Gilley, you can hear and see the apostasy that Brian McLaren espouses, in his own words.

Elevation Church:

an example of a pastor leaving the Southern Baptist Convention for the liberal
"Emergent Church" movement.

“Elevation Church,” Charlotte, NC, is the typical Seeker-Sensitive Purpose Driven Church for the carnal nature of mankind which transforms the church into a circus of bait-and-switch, creating an atmosphere of deception in order to appeal to the lost. 

Steven Furtick, (a Southern Seminary graduate, who has gone off into the unbiblical "Emergent Movement" and aligned himself with Mars Hill, NewSpring, and Bethel Churches), is the leader of his brand of "Emerging" at "Elevation Church," that does not believe the Gospel is enough to reach the lost anymore. He believes that we must cater to the world by using anything the world deems popular to attract people into the church where they can meet Jesus.

He relies upon himself to be the vessel to lead people to the church rather than simply following the Bible’s example of going out witnessing the good news of Christ and making disciples of new believers (Matthew 28:18-20). Thus, he has allowed, not only the "Harlem Shake" dance, but a dance and light show to preface a 12-day revival. One minister who appeared in this revival, had his taped message deleted from the "Elevation Church" website, as it stepped on too many toes, including those of Steven Furtick.

By appealing to the carnal nature of mankind, this seeker-sensitive relevant type pastor omits the offensiveness the Gospel is to the world (Matthew 10:32-36) by replacing it with stage shows, gimmicks, contests, sex talk, marriage counseling, pep talks, financial planning, etc… using anything to lure people into the church. His 'church' has substituted the power of the Holy Spirit to convict and draw mankind unto Himself, with a new relevant power of human reason.

"Elevation Church" has accomplished this goal by creating and using very well thought out programs, relevant cultural ("scratch them where they itch") sermon series, professional sounding bands, and simply urging people to say “Jesus” as the new way to win souls to Christ (2 Timothy 4:2-4).  He has added numbers to the church roll of those who crave entertainment; but there is no systematic Discipleship Training and no spiritual growth for the members, who are called "Elevators."  Nor are there any ordained Deacons in this church, supposedly affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, which gave loans to help build Elevation.

“A lot of people don't like rock and roll in church because they're STUPID.” -Pastor Steven Furtick

Elevation Church Worshiping to Jimmy Hendrix's

"Purple Haze"

(A song about a trip on the drug LSD):

Steven Furtick, an ostensibly former Southern Baptist, now in the "Emergent Church" movement and "Word of Faith" false teaching, recently hosted a 12-day 'revival' at "Elevation Church," which opened with a light and dance show.
How Elevation Church "takes care" of those who attend with disabilities:
Steven Furtick has, ostensibly, left the Southern Baptist Convention: is now 'in bed' with Joel Osteen, Rob Bell, Bill Johnson, Perry Noble, and Mark Driscoll (who are all in the Emergent Church movement. Osteen is also a "Word of Faith" false teacher).

Mocking the doctrines of Grace

Seeker Driven Prophet-Pastor Steven Furtick, berates those who come to Worship seeking to be Spiritually fed....and "if you'd accepted Jesus, Elevation Church is not for you!"

After speaking of multiple conversions occurring at his church, he said...

 "...if that doesn't get you excited and you need the doctrines of grace as defined by John Calvin to excite you, you in the wrong church. Let me get a phone book. There are 720 churches in Charlotte. I am sure we can find one where you can stuff your face until you're so obese spiritually that you can't even move."

It seems that he is not only ridiculing those who hold to the doctrines of grace, but that he is also mocking the very doctrines which the scriptures teach.  Mr. Furtick's mockery divides the body of Christ, helps to create a holier-than-thou attitude and potentially risks a direct violation of scripture.

"Hey Haters," is a personal video made by Pastor Steven Furtick in 2011.  You will have to see this video to believe it. Check out the high production and the new age lighting and pyramid effects behind him. I have never seen so much hate filled arrogance, body language and puffed up pompousness before in a so-called Pastor.

He uses the old trick of the "Straw Man" logical fallacy to attack discerning Bible believing Christians who will not fall for his aggressive and corporate style of leadership or who tell the truth about his deceptions and heresy. We Pray that his followers will see the truth and turn from this predatory wolf in wolves clothing and come back to the love and truth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. You can see there no room for the Holy Spirit which gives discernment in these cults with these new age guru’s leading them down a dark alley.

"Spontaneous Baptism Explosion"

Posted by (Closet Calvinist website blog)

Spontaneous Baptisms: I came across this document a year or so ago, from a well known, very rapidly growing megachurch. It gives some insights into their (Elevation Church) practices.


Baptists love seeing new baptisms. So much so that Southern Baptist churches report them along with their annual attendance to the Southern Baptist Convention. We should all love, and celebrate baptisms, even if we don’t all agree with the Baptists as to the meaning, mode, or proper recipients. To all Christians though, a baptism shows growth in the Church, new souls entering into the Kingdom, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ going forth.

The seeker driven guys love baptisms even more than the Baptists. To many, and especially to them, it is a sign of success and many believe it to be God’s favor on the church.


A few years ago Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina amazed the world with the number of baptisms they had in a matter of a couple of weeks. And, most of the people who were baptized decided to be spontaneously. Those attending Elevation deem this one of pastor Steven Furtick’s many accomplishments.

Other seeker driven churches were amazed at these numbers and apparently overwhelmed The Furtick with questions as to how all of this happened. So, Furtick, or a member of his staff, put together a document explaining it. (And providing some interesting statistics.)


If one examines this document they will see that these spontaneous baptisms were spontaneous decisions by some, but I would argue they are as spontaneous as my decision to buy a candy bar is when I’m waiting in line at Wal-Mart. You know they do put the candy bars in the check-out line for a reason, right?

Give it a read for yourself and I think you’ll see what I mean. Pay close attention to the "plants" they used to motivate others into spontaneously being baptized.


“Spontaneous Baptisms Kit” (That is the original name of the document, I did not rename it.) (see the pdf file below)


I hope that Elevation is the first, and only, to practice this manipulation, but I don’t think they are. I think it is a new low, but seeker driven churches using manipulative practices is far from being new.


One may sense a double meaning with “the world” above, yes, that is intended. To make it abundantly clear, I do not endorse these methodologies, I oppose them. Nor do I endorse Steven Furtick, or seeker driven churches.

Taking a 'worship service' to new heights of idolatry:
"The Harlem Shake" at Elevation 'church'

NBC TV, (WCNC-TV) Charlotte, NC, 
I-TEAM Investigation: Elevation Church

Steven Furtick and Elevation Church under critical scrutiny

(Source: “SBC Tomorrow” website)

Elevation Church in Matthews, NC was recently listed in Outreach Magazine's Top 100 fastest growing churches in America. Coming in at #15 and growing at the phenomenal rate of 24%, Elevation Church added over 2500 new regular attendees in 2012, averaging over 500 first-time guests per week.

Steven Furtick is the Senior Pastor of Elevation Church, founding the church fourteen years ago. Presently, the church (including all seven campuses) has an operating budget in excess of 20 million dollars, with offerings up 43% over the previous year. Furtick is a graduate of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY and has one book making the New York Times Best Selling list.

What should be a success story for a young, passionate innovative pastor has now turned sour. A Charlotte television station (WCNC) just released a an I-Team investigative report into the apparent financial extravagance Furtick and his family are enjoying.

(All videos appear below)


In addition, another news agency reports disturbing news concerning Furtick’s salary, and offers some insight into the distinct, non-congregational church polity apparently in place at Elevation Church. Two very well-known Southern Baptists are reportedly on the non-church board that sets Furtick’s salary: 

[Furtick’s salary]… is set not by a group of lay members of the church, but by a board of five out-of-town pastors. Furtick is also on the board, but doesn’t vote on his salary, Corbett said. These out-of-town board members are friends and mentors to Furtick and, like him, lead growing megachurches. They include Perry Noble of NewSpring Church in Anderson, S.C., and Jack Graham of Prestonwood Baptist in Plano, Texas.

When will Southern Baptists wake up to the devastating results of giving men unlimited, unaccounted-for personal power?

Baptist ecclesiology is vanishing away right before our eyes.

Steven Furtick’s buddies serve as the Board of Overseers for Elevation Church

Part 2 of the I-TEAM investigative report on megachurch pastor, Steven Furtick, and Elevation Church was posted on Charlotte’s WCNC-TV's website. The story is not pretty.

Who serves on the board besides Furtick (who apparently is excused from the board meeting when his salary is considered)?

  • Dino Rizzo, former Lead Pastor at Healing Place Church, Baton Rouge, LA. Though the I-TEAM report lists Rizzo as still pastor at the Healing Place Church, Rizzo resigned last September apparently due to a moral failure involving an inappropriate relationship with a female friend. Rizzo presently serves on staff at Church of the Highlands in Birmingham, AL where he ministers under close supervision by pastor Chris Hodges.   
  • Stovall Weems, Lead Pastor at Celebration Church, Jacksonville, FL. Celebration Church is obviously not connected to the Southern Baptist Convention since the only pastors listed on the Our Pastors page is Kerri Weems, Stovall Weems’ wife. No denominational affiliation I could find is on the church website.
  • Perry Noble, Senior Pastor at NewSpring Church, Anderson, SC. NewSpring Church is currently listed in Outreach Magazine in the Top 100 fastest growing churches in the United States. Unlike Celebration Church, NewSpring is listed as affiliating with the Southern Baptist Convention. The ACP databank suggests NewSpring filed fairly complete reports up until three years ago. However, it seems $650.00 is the most NewSpring ever gave to the Cooperative Program in a given year. The last year NewSpring reported offerings (2010), they collected undesignated receipts in excess of 18.5 million dollars. Of that amount, they reported $982,499 given to “Total Missions Expenditures” with $650.00 being given to the Cooperative Program.
  • Kevin Gerald, Lead Pastor of Champions Centre in Tacoma, WA. Champions Centre may be the most non-traditional “church” I’ve ever tried to get a handle on. I don’t know if it’s a conference ministry, a para-church organization, a resource center for selling goods by Gerald, or something else. Anyways, Gerald is on Elevation Church’s board of overseeers.
  • Jack Graham is Pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX. Graham is past president of the SBC and Prestonwood church remains one of the largest SBC churches in the SBC with 33,000+ members. Of its 32 million dollars of undesignated giving, it gives 7.5% to missions causes, a little less than half of which is designated “Great Commission Giving” and the other split to the CP, including annual offerings to Southern Baptists domestic and foreign emphasis.

The five men above, along with Steven Furtick himself, reportedly constitute the board of overseers for Elevation Church. And, according to the I-TEAM report, Elevation Church has neither elders nor deacons. If this is correct, Elevation Church is simply not a New Testament church.

One side note. Chris Rosebrough, who runs a podcast called Pirate Christian Radio, criticized Elevation Church for both its “top-down” approach to church governance as well as the I-scratch-your-back-you-scratch-mine template Furtick and his buddies employ in the conference circuit. However, Furtick is doing nothing the The Gospel Coalition, Sovereign Grace Ministries, Together for the Gospel, 9Marks Ministries, among other Reformed-leaning groups in today’s cash cow market of hawking specialty conferences. They all routinely invite each other to speak and sell their materials. You pay me, I pay you.

Megachurch pastor Steven Furtick responds to the I-TEAM investigation--'The media is not our enemy'

Below is the third video in a Charlotte, NC television station exclusive investigative series by its I-TEAM reporters. Southern Baptist pastor Steven Furtick responds to criticism of his 1.7 million dollar mansion. Elevation Church is allegedly connected to the North Carolina Baptist Convention. While only a few minutes of Furtick's response given to his gathered church is posted in this video, The WCNC website indicates plans to post Furtick's entire talk to Elevation Church (approximately 30 minutes).

Elevation Church has been turned into a "McChurch"

"ROC" (Richmond Outreach Center) Richmond, VA:
an "Emergent Church"
 4 Pastors were fired after the arrest of "Pastor G."
Newly appointed pastor, Joe Donohue, who replaced "Pastor G" in March 2014, was fired after less than 2 months in the position.

The ROC's latest secular indulgence is starting a "fight club" in their 'church' and pair this raw version of martial arts, with "the love of Jesus." (I'm quoting.) The Gospel message of Jesus has nothing in common with a "fight club." 

UPDATE:  since the resignation of 4 "ROC" pastors and arrest and conviction this year (2015) of lead "Pastor G," Pastor Slayton has become silent about the ongoing turmoil at the "ROC."

Ex-pastor (known as "Pastor G") of the "ROC" (Richmond Outreach Center, Richmond, Virginia) has been indicted in Texas,

charged with sexual assault on children.  He has been found guilty of sex crimes. (Updated)

Newly arrived Pastor Joe Donohue,

(Donohue was hired in March 2014, after a national search that was assisted by Jonathan Falwell, the pastor of Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg whom the ROC brought in as a consultant after Aguilar stepped down.)

who replaced "Pastor G" has since been Fired, with less than 2 months on the job, As Pastor Of The "Richmond Outreach Center"
for Asking Too Many Questions About Pastor Geronimo Aguilar Rape Case, while Pastor Geronimo Aguilar (aka "Pastor G")
Awaits Trial On Molestation Charges.  UPDATE: He has now been found guilty, and the "ROC" has changed it's name and has a new intentional interim:

Scandal-Rocked Megachurch Loses Yet Another Pastor

Joe Donahue—the pastor hired to fill Geronimo Aguilar's shoes and bring healing to the Virginia megachurch—has been released from his position. (

After being arrested on sexual abuse charges, Geronimo Aguilar left Richmond Outreach Center (ROC) about a year ago. Now, Joe Donahue—the pastor hired to fill his shoes and bring healing to the Virginia megachurch—is also on his way out the door.

"This man is the man God has raised up as the leader of the Richmond Outreach Center, and he will lead this ministry into the future," Jonathan Falwell, who has been acting as a consultant for ROC, told the congregation when they announced the former teaching pastor at First Redeemer Church in Cumming, Georgia, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

"I'm telling you tonight, God has heard the prayer of the Richmond Outreach Center ... and God has said ... 'I will deliver you from the hands of every single person who mocked this church. And I will deliver you from the hands of every single person who laughed at this church.' ... There is a new day dawning for the Richmond Outreach Center, and that day begins right now," Falwell said at the time.

That day ended seven weeks later. ROC was not immediately available for comment, but Donahue is speaking loud and clear from a heart of confusion.

"My wife and I love the ROC," he wrote on a statement on his website. "We believed that God had called us to the ROC to lead the church to health, growth and to become a New Testament structured church. In the words of my 4 year old, 'We love the ROC family.' We still believe that God has called us to the ROC, to minister to the church family, the community and to repair a broken foundation."

Donahue says he understood it would be difficult but never anticipated anything like what has occurred since Thursday. 

"Despite ongoing encouragement from the board of directors, and without warning, I was terminated," he says on his website. "I would have greatly valued a conversation. I love accountability and love to be sharpened. If I was leading the church in an unbiblical manner—I would repent and seek forgiveness. My hope was to repair and rebuild the foundation of the church, while keeping the ministries running."

Donahue then outlines his "9 Phases to Calming the Storm at the ROC," which you can read here.  (Donahue has taken down the website information).

"In 7 weeks, I realize I have no 'political capital' among the people," he concludes. "If I am the only one standing in the field fighting for the church—I will do it. The Church belongs to the Lord. Not to me. Not to the Board. Not to the members. It belongs to Jesus and He has revealed the structure of the church in the Bible—and that is good enough for me."

This picture: from the "Richmond Outreach Center Recovery Group" Facebook.
Purpose of Group:

"This group was created to support victims of any type of abuse experienced from their time at the Richmond Outreach Center. We are NOT a ministry of the Richmond Outreach Center. The posts are opinions of those who chose to post them."

"Pastor G" (who was the "lead" pastor of the "ROC" was since fired from "ROC" for alleged infidelity within their membership.

Authorities in Tarrant County, Texas, have set June 15, 2015, as the trial date for Aguilar, two years after he was arrested, extradited and forced to resign from the South Richmond church he helped found.  UPDATE: he was found guilty.

Mars Hill Church, Seattle, Washington:
an "Emergent Church"
(Mark Driscoll was forced to resign from Mars Hill Church in October 2014.  The church filed for bankruptcy and is closed.) (In 2016, Driscoll was interviewed by Perry Noble of NewSpring Church: Driscoll plans to start a new "church" in Phoenix, AZ.)

Mark Driscoll: The Pornification of the Pulpit
Phil Johnson speaks at the 2012 Shepherds’ Conference for Pastors, (Titus 2:11-15) recorded live at Grace Community Church, all rights reserved, used with permission.
Phil Johnson speaks at the 2009 Shepherd's Conference, for Pastors at Grace Community Church. (Titus 2:7-8) "Sound Words, Sound Doctrine." All rights reserved, used with permission.
Mark Driscoll exposed by Dan Corner:
Mark Driscoll sees visions, claims he can read people's minds, and preaches heresy:
(Courtesy of Wretched TV)
("Throw 'em under the bus" is a phrase sometimes used by David Slayton in sermons at South Norfolk.)
Mark Driscoll on Smoking, Piercings, and Tattoos:

Who said the following?


“If you would please, turn with me to the Song of Solomon. One of the great books of the Bible. Some have allegorized this book, and in so doing, they have destroyed it. They have destroyed it. They will say that it is an allegory between Jesus and his bride the church. Which if true, is weird. Because Jesus is having sex with me and puts his hand up my shirt. And that feels weird. I love Jesus, but not in that way.”


A). Paul Crouch

B). Marilyn Manson

C). Rob Bell

D). Joel Osteen

E). Rick Warren

F). John MacArthur

G). Robert Schuller

H). Benjamin Dunn

I). John Piper

J). Mark Driscoll

K). Tammy Faye Bakker

L). Jay Bakker

M). Doug Pagitt

N). Richard Dawkins


The answer:  Mark Driscoll.


This quote (among many others I can’t in good conscience reprint here) was obtained from Driscoll’s sermon “Sex, A Study of the Good Bits From A Song of Solomon” delivered at the noon service of Destiny Church in Edinburgh, Scotland, on November 18, 2007.  

Mark Driscoll removed from the Acts 29 "church planting" network he helped found, for a pattern of "ungodly and disqualifying behavior":

How do I get my own concierge pastor?

NewSpring Church, Charleston, South Carolina:
an "Emergent Church"
Perry Noble rewrites
The Ten Commandments:

"I Wanna Rock & Roll All Night"

at NewSpring Church

This photo (below) is of NewSpring "Church's" praise band opening up their worship service with Kiss's rock anthem "I Wanna Rock & Roll All Night."

Perry Noble to NewSpring Members Who Don't Like the Music: "You Officially Suck as a Human Being"

"I think you officially suck as a human being if that is your focus...and the people that think the music is about them can leave the church." Perry Noble's message to church members who say they don't prefer the music style at NewSpring Church.

It ain't easy being a member these days at NewSpring pastored by Perry Noble - the rules, the regulations, the sheep beatings, the curses.

According to Perry Noble, you "officially suck as a human being" if you express to Perry that you are purposely late to church because you like his preaching but don't care for the music style.

NewSpring members need to be careful that their church doesn't begin to fall into the category of a cult. Cults often begin by having a very demanding, charismatic leader, they will require conformity with rigid extra-biblical rules, they will devalue outsiders and non-conformists, and they will suppress dissent.

You see all four of these beginning to emerge at NewSpring. Not saying they are a cult, but when the charismatic leader starts telling people that:

- they can't come back into the auditorium after the sermon starts even if they leave to tend to a child or go to the bathroom;

- that you suck as a human being if you disagree with the pastor over music styles;

- you are not allowed to designate how your donations are spent;

- you must give 10% of your income to the church undesignated or God will curse you;

- parents cannot bring children younger than 12 years of age into the church services;

- you must show up to church on time or you can't get into the church service;

...then you better begin to get concerned.

Lest you think that I'm overstating things by bringing up the word "cult" - don't forget what happened to a critic of Perry Noble’s at the hands of staff members a few years back that is the subject of an on-going lawsuit. You see from the "you suck as a human being" quote how those who even mildly express dissent, are devalued by the pastor. I would say it is this kind of rhetoric from the pastor towards dissenters that breeds the actions taken by a staff member against the Noble critic back in 2008 and 2009.

Perry Noble even tells the parents that if they don't conform to the "authority" of the church leaders, they will breed rebelliousness in the hearts of their children. No, actually subjecting one's self to non-biblical requirements for the pleasure of the pastor might teach your kids that they must endure spiritual abuse at the hands of an over-bearing preacher.


NewSpring Church exposed----

Every dime spent on missions:

Clayton King: part of "Seeker Sensitive" movement at NewSpring Church, SC, wrote in the Southern Baptist "Facts&Trends" magazine (mailed to EVERY Southern Baptist pastor), that "we must do whatever it takes, short of sin."

The Southern Baptist magazine, “Facts&Trends” published by LifeWay for pastors on a quarterly basis, has been giving space lately (read: promoting) to the “Seeker Sensitive” movement.  The Spring 2014 issue featured an article by Clayton King, who preaches at one of NewSpring’s satellite churches.


This is the pastor who did a sermon series titled “Redneck” and rode out on the stage on a 4-wheeler.  He claimed 400 people responded to the gospel; but I have to wonder how many knew what they were doing?   (See web page on this site: “False Conversions: Suicide of the Church.”)  Most of the “Seeker Sensitive” folks are more concerned about numbers, not souls.  They don’t realize how they really appear to the pagan culture; nor do they understand what those pagans think of them!


Clayton King’s exegesis of scripture concerning his use of Paul’s trip to Athens in the book of Acts, is suspect.  He takes Acts 17:28 out of context, by having it seem that Paul quoted a pagan philosopher to “put a once skeptical audience at ease.” Paul did not, and would not approve of pandering to the pagan culture to lead someone to the Lord, as Clayton King insists.


It’s a telling statement when he closes the article with: “Are we mindful of the outsiders who hear us preach?  Do we even want them in our church?  And if so, are we willing to do whatever it takes to reach them?”  Whatever it takes? 


He also states in this same article, “We must be willing to do whatever it takes, short of sin.” 


This is pure “Seeker Sensitive” nonsense. 

Confirmed: Perry Noble Fired Over Domestic Issues, July 2016

There is trouble reportedly brewing at NewSpring Church in South Carolina, where leaders say they will address rumors it has fired its founding and senior pastor, Perry Noble.
The source of this is a report in the Christian Post:

"NewSpring Church, a popular megachurch in South Carolina that averages a weekly attendance of 30,000 people at multiple campuses in that state, said they will address on Sunday growing whispers that Perry Noble, the church's founding and senior pastor, was fired this week.

The Christian post was informed Thursday by a source close to the church that Perry's alleged firing was triggered by a "terrible marriage, alcoholism and maybe more."

Noble did not respond to queries made by CP via email on Thursday.

When asked about Perry's current status at NewSpring Church and if she could confirm whether or not Perry has been fired, a volunteer worker at the church also told CP Thursday, "I don't know anything about that." She said as far as she knew, Noble was on vacation. She then directed further questions to the church's public relations department headed by Suzanne Swift.

Responding to CP on Thursday night, Swift issued a standard email she also sent to a few other outlets asking similar questions about Noble's status at the church.

"Hey Leonardo, It's great to hear from you! I would love to invite you to join us at church this Sunday to learn more from Perry and NewSpring Church. We will have services on Sunday at 9:15am, 11:15am, 4pm or 6pm at our Anderson Campus, located at 2940 Concord Road," she wrote.

Shortly after, she was asked if she could provide further details about the rumors as well as Noble's alleged marital troubles and alcoholism.

Swift replied: "Hey Leonardo, I hope you'll be able to be at church. If not in person, you can watch online to learn more from Perry and NewSpring on Sunday at"

Local news station WYFF reported that the megachurch held a closed meeting of its leadership Thursday afternoon and also declined requests to discuss what the meeting was about.

Williamston Town Councilman Rockey Burgess, a NewSpring member, told Independent Mail that he had heard rumors but had no concrete information about what was happening with Noble.

"I can tell you I certainly believe in what the church is doing as far as trying to reach people," he said. "It may not be traditional to some, but it reaches people who may not be reached otherwise."

State Rep. Anne Thayer also told Independent Mail that she and her family have been attending NewSpring since it was a "small church" with a congregation of 200.

"I can't imagine that Perry would leave," she said. "He has always said: 'I'm here and this is where I want to stay. If he left, it would be devastating."

In 2014 Noble revealed that he had been taking anti-depressants since 2012 after years of struggling with anxiety and suicidal thoughts.

His struggle began, he said, with a mental episode in 2008 and it continued for three years without medication.

"It was brutal. I even gave suicide serious consideration. However, through a series of situations in my life that needed to be changed, along with some intense and excellent biblical counseling, I was able to come through the storm that had dominated me for so long," wrote Noble.

"My doctor and I considered medication during this process, and while it was strongly considered, we both decided that, though it was not wrong to take it, it was not the right thing for me at the time," he said.

Perry explained that, after getting the victory over that episode without the use of medication, he decided to do a series about stress, anxiety and depression at his church in the spring of 2012. He eventually decided to write a book about it called Overwhelmed that was released on April 1, 2014.

It was during the book writing process, he explained, that he began slipping away again.

"As I began the writing process the feelings of anxiety and worry began to slowly slither back into my life like a snake sneaking up on its prey. I remember writing a chapter in the book, driving home and having a panic attack in my living room," he wrote.

When the situation got too much for him, he said he reached out to his doctor and reluctantly gave in to treat his condition with anti-depressants.


Perry Noble removed as pastor at NewSpring

for personal behavior related to alcohol


The Rev. Perry Noble, who started NewSpring Church nearly 20 years ago, is no longer its senior pastor.  (Via Greenville Online):

Early in Sunday's 9:15 a.m. service, Executive Pastor Shane Duffey announced that Noble had been removed as pastor on July 1, after the NewSpring board of directors had "made a difficult and painful decision" to make a change.

Duffey said the termination by the state's largest and richest church came after Noble "had made unfortunate choices," and that the board members had confronted Noble on numerous occasions regarding his use of alcohol.

The announcement came three days after a closed-door, unscheduled meeting of church officials that fueled rumors throughout the community that the 45-year-old Noble was at odds with church hierarchy.

Noble, in a statement read by Duffey, said "I wish this were a joke, and part of a sermon illustration, but it is true."

He also confirmed an "overuse of alcohol," in the statement, adding that he has "come to depend on alcohol instead of Jesus." He also said that there was no infidelity or abuse in his marriage.

"No one is more disappointment in me than I am in myself," said Noble, the only senior pastor in the 16-year history of the church.

Noble also manages a personal blog/website ( that he once used to convey frequent messages about his personal life and Christian topics. The blog has grown quiet in recent months. Noble made 51 posts in the first three months of 2016 but made only nine in April, six in May, and none in June or July.

Duffey announced that Clayton King will serve as interim senior pastor. Cooper delivered the primary message Sunday morning.

Noble was one of 22 pastors listed on the church's website. In addition to the 17 campus pastors, Noble led a staff that includes Brad Cooper as executive pastor of ministries, Duffey, Howard Frist as executive pastor of campuses, and Michael Millikin as executive pastor of operations.

NewSpring unofficially began in 1998 when Noble, an Anderson native, began holding Bible study on Wednesday nights at his apartment in Anderson. Eight people came to the first meeting. Within six weeks, the crowd had grown to 150.

The next summer, Noble was at a restaurant when a friend asked him: "What would you do for God if you knew you could not fail?"

Noble's answer: Start NewSpring Church.

The church's first service was held on Jan. 16, 2000, in the Sullivan Building at Anderson University. About 115 people showed up.

The congregation grew tremendously after that, and by 2004, NewSpring was building a campus near Concord Road and S.C. 81 North in Anderson.

The congregation moved into the 2,460-seat auditorium there in 2006, and the church's membership soon doubled from 4,000 to 8,000 people.

Now, NewSpring has 17 campuses across South Carolina and more than 30,000 people attend its weekly services. In 2015, NewSpring's income was more than $64 million, according to an annual report posted the church's website.

NewSpring is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, but leaders of the organization have criticized Noble over the church's use of secular music. Noble's messages have also been controversial at times — including one last year in which he stated that the Ten Commandments were not commandments.

A similar controversy erupted in 2009, when the NewSpring band opened the Easter service with the rock song "Highway to Hell."

LifeChurchTV and it's "Lead" Pastor, Craig Groeschel
an "Emergent Church" based in Oklahoma

Groeschel was born in 1967 in Texas, grew up in Oklahoma, attended a Methodist university (Oklahoma City U.) and pursued a degree in marketing. He attended Philips Seminary, which is affiliated with the ultra-liberal Disciples of Christ, the denomination of Jim Jones and Donald McGavran.


He married Amy in 1991. They have six children.


He was a United Methodist minister in 1995, when the Oklahoma City bomb blew up the federal building and severely damaged the nearby church where he worked.


In 1996, he began a church in a two-car garage, apparently because his denomination did not want him to start a mission church. Like Hybels of Willow Creek, he began with a marketing survey. The church grew rapidly and became Life Church - with the website:


The New York Times reported:  He set up a website for people to post "secret confessions," an idea copied by Pastor Ski, at "The CORE."   The Catholic Church noted this new trend started by Groeschel.


USA Today reported:


"Of the USA's 100 largest churches, 67% now have two or more sites and 60% of the 100 fastest-growing churches also have multiple sites, according to the annual listings of the USA's largest churches in Outreach magazine's October issue."


The most innovative churches in America are:

• (Edmond, OK) :: Craig Groeschel




• Granger Community Church (Granger, IN) :: Mark Beeson


• Flamingo Road Church (Cooper City, FL) :: Troy Gramling


• Seacoast Church (Mt. Pleasant, SC) :: Greg Surratt


• Saddleback Church (Lake Forest, CA) :: Rick Warren


• Mosaic Church (Los Angeles, CA) :: Erwin McManus


• Fellowship Church (Grapevine, TX) :: Ed Young Jr.


• North Point Community Church (Alpharetta, GA) :: Andy Stanley


• Willow Creek Community Church (South Barrington, IL) :: Bill Hybels (The first "Seeker Sensitive" church).


• National Community Church (Washington, DC) :: Mark Batterson


One story says:

"Granger broke the rules when his church plastered billboards around the local city, which stirred debate among Christians and created a media storm. went out of bounds when it launched the multi-site movement, which includes an "internet campus" for worship services. And Life Church's senior pastor, Craig Groeschel, broke the rules when he went into bars to meet "the sick" and tell them about Jesus."


Groeschel motto: "In order to reach those that no one else is reaching, we will have to do things that no one else is doing," he said. (of course if it includes heresy, I guess it's OK).


Groeschel began as a United Methodist minister but is an Evangelical Covenant minister now. The Evangelical Covenant church is "Pietistic" and related to the Swedish Augustana Synod which merged into the LCA in 1962.


He claims 21,000 in attendance each week.


He may not have been the first to promote multiple sites, but he is known for them now. He began using video when his fourth child was born and he could not lead services.

Craig Groeschel Preached at Harvest Bible Chapel (this is the organization that sponsors the "Word of Faith" heretical "SpeakLife" program.


By now, it probably does not surprise one to discover that James MacDonald and Harvest Bible Chapel find themselves inviting questionable pastors to fill the pulpit when MacDonald is away. Perhaps the greatest example of this was when The Steven Furtick Show Played at Harvest Bible Chapel last year. MacDonald has been on his Vertical Church tour since August, and this past weekend provided another opportunity to invite a guest speaker to preach to the multiple Harvest congregations. So who was behind Door #1? A man who James MacDonald refers to as his "dearest friend," Pastor Craig Groeschel of

Groeschel has been highlighted here before, most notably when he was a featured speaker at Steven Furtick's Code Orange Revival. is the largest church in America and boasts an extensive Internet presence. Most likely due to the immense success of this empire, Groeschel is greatly admired in leadership circles. He recently spoke at the World Leaders Conference, and he has been featured in the past at Bill Hybels' Global Leadership Summit. He also will take the stage next month at Mark Driscoll's 2012 Resurgence Conference.

Superstar Steven Furtick often can be heard naming Groeschel as "my pastor," and so it seems that the leader even is a pastor to pastors.  Suffice it to say that Groeschel's name is one of the regulars that we find appearing alongside one another as a new, ecumenical, evangelical magisterium appears to be forming. It likely should not surprise us, then, to learn that James MacDonald invited this influential man to preach to his congregation.

Due to the wonders of technology, Craig Groeschel preached via video to all of Harvest's campuses, gracing not one Harvest stage with his presence. Preaching from Mark 2, and the story of Jesus' healing of a paralytic, Groeschel entitled his message "Bringing People to Christ." He claimed that MacDonald asked him to speak on this passage, and later in the sermon we learn that MacDonald also asked him to share with his flock the ways in which brings people to Jesus. Knowing this, perhaps the following statistics do not surprise:

"Attempting to explain the text" is not equivalent to accurately interpreting and teaching the text.

We know from the Code Orange Revival Recap that Craig Groeschel likes to talk about himself. This sermon was no exception. As can be noted from the pie chart above (which is based on approximate numbers), over 50% of Groeschel's sermon consisted of narcissistic storytelling. To be fair, some of this also consisted of talking about or Harvest, but the majority of time spent outside of the biblical text was spent on stories about Craig Groeschel.

The reader also will notice that the time spent in the biblical text was spent either reading the passage or "kinda-sorta attempting to explain the text." This description is used because the teaching of the text was...well, lacking.

Of course, even this writer could say a hearty "Amen" to such declarations as, "We are not good people," and, "Until we see ourselves as sinners we can never see our need for a Savior." Commendation is owed to Groeschel for speaking those truths. Their presence, however, does not overshadow the remaining narcissism.

Based on Mark 2:1–12 and using the paralytic's friends as a model, Groeschel attempted to share various characteristics of people who bring others to Jesus. For the sake of time and space, we will not walk step-by-step through this sermon in this particular forum. Astute and discerning readers who have the time may listen and test Groeschel's words against Scripture for themselves. Some may even glance at the chart above and think, "Well, he spoke almost half the time about the biblical text, that ought to count for something!" Yet, let us think: should a pastor be spending more than half of his sermon talking about himself? Do you go to church to learn about Jesus or to learn about your pastor's bar stories? Do you go to church to have God's Word opened, taught rightly and thus to see Jesus exalted? Or do you wake up Sunday morning hoping that your pastor will tell that story about how your church purchased Google ads with inappropriate catch words so that people searching for those words will suddenly find themselves bombarded with ads for "church online" (see about 30 minutes into the sermon)?

Craig Groeschel is fond of saying that will "do anything short of sin" to bring people to Jesus. This, not surprisingly, elicits applause and affirmation from his audiences.

It appears that any excuse for over-the-top "relevance" is sufficient in these circles. We see this time and again in the "narcissistic preaching" of seeker-driven pastors, and the man-centered, secular entertainment that is on display week after week in these "churches."

And lest one argue that Craig Groeschel is different, and that is not like those other churches, then how can this recent performance of "Gangsta's Paradise" at be explained?  (See below):

Of course, this is a weak attempt at "relevance," unless one's definition of the word includes a poor cover of a rap song from 1995.

So this is type of influence, apparently, that James MacDonald and the elders of Harvest wish to unleash on their church and congregation. But "narcissistic preaching" and worldly entertainment do not a successful church make. At least not by the standard of the One Who matters.


Pastors are called to preach the Word of God without compromise or gimmicks and in spite of fads or intimidation. While anecdotes and illustrations can be helpful, should they comprise the bulk of a message? Clever tales that elevate self do not save lost souls. The Word of God, and Jesus Christ revealed through the proclamation of the Word, that is what draws lost sinners by the power of the Holy Spirit. Did Jesus command shepherds to teach about themselves, or about Him and all that He taught? Did the apostles seek to point people to themselves or to Christ?

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)


And I, when I came to you, brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. (1 Corinthians 2:1-2)


Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart. But we have renounced disgraceful, underhanded ways. We refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God's word, but by the open statement of the truth we would commend ourselves to everyone's conscience in the sight of God. And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake. (2 Corinthians 4:1-5) preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. (2 Timothy 4:2-4)

There are many who still attend Harvest Bible Chapel each week who know that it has begun a seemingly unstoppable tumble down the slippery slope. There are many who attend each week who remain oblivious, who trust their pastor to a fault, and eagerly gobble up whatever food he offers them. To the latter (who probably are not reading this website) I would say, pray for wisdom, discernment, and eyes and ears to see and hear what God's Word says, not man's. To the former, I offer this admonishment: check your heart. Ensure that your motives for remaining are glorifying to God and are not instead nursing a grudge or feeding resentment. Desire and seek instead to be fed a healthy portion of God's Word rightly divided, for this is much easier to swallow than growing bitterness. 


Itching ears and unfaithful shepherds are not a new phenomenon in the visible church. So long as mutual ego-feeding exists, they will persist. But those who have been called out, granted ears to hear and eyes to see ought not participate in that feast. Far better, friends, is the banquet of the unshakable Word of God.

Craig Groeschel: A Performer, not a Pastor, seen here, doing "The Worm":
What other denominations are saying about Craig Groeschel:
Steven Furtick and Craig Groeschel:
A Mutual Admiration Society:
Craig Groeschel Narcissistically Exegetes Story of Elisha...And More...

AHA on the phone with LifeChurch.TV

Director of the Abolitionist Society of Oklahoma talks with staff LifeGroups staff member about their ministry opportunities regarding abortion and crisis pregnancy situations.   Abolitionist discusses's position on abortion, whether they preach against it as Sin, whether they bring the Gospel into conflict with it, or practice any kind of local church discipline regarding those who abort their children, or those who believe that people ought to have a right to murder their children, image bearers of God, and the neighbors we have been commanded to love as ourselves. They didn't actually expect the phone call to be anything like this.

New Life Providence Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia:
an "Emergent Church"
IHOP: International House of Prayer, Kansas City, MO:
an "Emergent Church" and now considered a "Cult"

24/7 IHOP: Where the Menu is Heresy with Syrup on the Side

Mike Bickle is the founder of this group coming up from under John Wimber and the "Vineyard."  This is the driving force behind the whole prayer/spiritual warfare movement encompassing many groups.  It is interesting that "Vineyard" was the vehicle for these movements, but they have become disassociated with both the "Toronto Blessings" and Mike Bickle.
Mike claims to have heard an audible voice of the Lord to start this movement and makes claims of going to heaven, having visions and seeing angels.  (Most cults have started in the exact same way; people having a "spiritual" experience and claim that it validates everything they do).  

Bickle is the forerunner for a lot of the mystic ideas such as "contemplative prayer" and "harp and bowl" intercession.  He espouses many false doctrines and promotes the "Manifest Sons of God."   

IHOP's connection to the "NAR" (New Apostolic Reformation) Cult:

Stephanie was a student/intern at the International House of Prayer for three and a half years before being ejected unless she was willing to go to a re-education camp in Canada. This is her own testimony with her own voice.


If you have a son or daughter that is thinking about going to IHOP, dear parent, you need to know that there is a chance you may never talk to them again. Students are being told by staff to "fast" from contact to parents that aren't fully supportive of IHOP.

Her story is on the video posted below:

If the GLORY of GOD ALMIGHTY ever actually shows up amidst a crowd of people they will not be able to stand in His holy presence, let alone take pictures and say, "Hey, cool man...look at's the glory of God...Neato...I got it on video." If you are in a church that is teaching that these things are happening, gemstones are appearing supposedly out of thin air, oil is dripping from the rafters, the preacher is claiming he has raised the dead...GET OUT OF THERE!!! Run for your life! That is divination and God commands against it.

Here's the "real time" video of the fake event:

(Courtesy of Wretched TV)

Is SBC President Ronnie Floyd, trying to unite the Southern Baptist Convention with Mike Bickle’s IHOP?

Bethel Church, Redding, CA:
an "Emergent Church"

Raising The Dead: Evangelical Christians Want To Practice Resurrections


Evangelical Christians want access to more corpses … to hone their ‘raising the dead’ skills


“Rev” Tyler Johnson of Bethel Church, Redding, California, is leader of the Dead Raising Team.


(Bethel Church was endorsed on the South Norfolk Baptist Church website/Facebook as one of their "Favorite" sites. David Slayton has been approached by a member of the congregation; but noted in a recorded sermon his disinterest in what was on the internet!)

The latest heresy from Bethel Church, Redding, CA, and IHOP (International House of Prayer) Kansas City, MO

Soaking up the "anointing" of dead men,

or "Grave Sucking":

"Grave Sucking":  Necromancy with a "Christian Veneer"

(Here at the grave of woman pentecostal healing-type preacher Maria Woodworth-Etter, buried on the right; her son-in-law, John F. Ormsby and his wife Lizzie, are buried on the left. Note grave stone inscription.)

This is what happens when a false church and teachings enter our young people.  They can't even discern truth concerning what is called Grave Sucking...(lying on a dead persons grave expecting an anointing from it.) This is what happens when the Bible is ignored and signs and wonders are left up to the imagination of man.  Satan deceives them and demonic worship begins.  Confessing Themselves To Be Wise...They Become Fools.
Bill Johnson, "pastor" of Bethel Church, Redding, CA. led a group to Bradford, England, and participated in "Grave Sucking" at the grave of British pentecostalist Smith Wigglesworth:
At the grave of evangelist Charles Finney
IHOPPERS (International House of Prayer) at the grave of Rev. John G. Lake

Here at the grave of Rev. Evan Roberts, leader of the Welsh Revival.
Bethel Church BSSM (Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry) students (and leaders) go to the graves of dead revivalists to soak up god's glory and perhaps to obtain a mantle. It's part of their doctrine of the "culture of honor."

Rev. Evan Roberts

Ed Young, Jr., (Not to be confused with his father, Dr. Ed Young, Sr.) Fellowship Church, Grapevine, TX:

"A Purpose Driven"/"Emergent Church"

Ed Young, Jr. has announced that Glenn Beck, a Mormon, will appear at his church over the July 4, 2015 weekend.

Mormons are NOT Christians.

Ed Young, Jr. "in bed" with "Word of Faith" heretic Joel Osteen

Southern Baptist Pastor Ed Young, Jr.

and his silly 24-hour "bed in" on top of his church!

Ed Young, Jr. is so driven to be a "fashion plate," that he actually hired a "Swagger Coach!"

Ed Young, Jr. argues on his website: “Pastors aren’t typically known for their fashion. Most people don’t think of the runway leading up to the pulpit. But why not?! Why can’t the men and women of God set the standard for the rest of the world in fashion as well as faith?  That’s why we’re launching We want to set the trends; that good fashion is necessary to remain relevant to future generations of Christians." {Read: "seeker sensitive"}


Since when is fashion the interest of ministry, even as a peripheral focus?  Ed Young, Jr., who has launched his own fashion website (,  isn’t on the cutting edge of anything except self-serving/self-promotion.  The appropriate dress for a pastor was "covered" as one small part of a seminary course I took; and the professor didn't say pastors should "dress down" and look worldly nor look like a "Fashion Plate" either.  Ed must have skipped class that day.


If Pastors become Young-ian in their pseudo-theology, they might agree with him, and run the risk of highlighting that not-so-nascent sin of American materialism, but the rest of us know that true relevance is biblical preaching.  Anything else is heresy, and those who practice such nonsensical, unbiblical rubbish are heretics.

Romans 13:14: “Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.”  (NIV)


Luke 9:3:  “He told them: "Take nothing for the journey--no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra tunic.” (NIV)


I see nothing in those instructions about packing relevant clothes so as to look cool to those to whom they would deliver the Good News.

Ed Young, Jr. at Fellowship Church: Seriously?
(Courtesy of Wretched TV)

Ed Young, Jr. Goes After Access to Bank Accounts of Church Members


In the following video, Ed Young, Jr. asks his church members not just to commit to tithe, but to actually give the church their account number and bank routing number.

Ed Young, Jr.

                Needs Your Tithe

. . . to support his lavish lifestyle:

Brian McLaren (founded and pastored from 1982-2006) Cedarville Community Church, MD:
an "Emergent Church"
Brian McLaren, the the Dangers of the Emergent Church, courtesy of "Wretched TV":

Brian McLaren's son marries same-sex partner.

Ceremony performed by Brian McLaren and a Universal Life (New Age) Minister:

More information about the heresy of Brian McLaren:
"Bishop" T.D. Jakes: The Potter's House, Dallas, TX:
an "Emergent Church"

Who is T.D. Jakes?

By Ryan Turner, Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

T.D. Jakes, Oprah and Anonymous Christianity

(Courtesy of Wretched TV)

TD Jakes and Joel Osteen Enrich Themselves in Jesus' Name

(from a special report, courtesy of MSNBC):

New Life, Colorado Springs, Colorado:
an "Emergent" Church

The problem with these "Emergent Churches" can been seen in this assessment of "New Life" 'church' in Colorado Springs, by The British Mystery Worshiper:

Rob Bell is endorsed by many "Emergent Church" pastors.

Rev. Franklin Graham tells O'Reilly why Bell is a heretic:
(Source: Fox News)
Out of the Closet with Rob Bell
(Courtesy of Wretched TV)
Rod Parsley is a "Word of Faith" heretic,
and his
World Harvest Church, Columbus, Ohio:

an "Emergent Church"
Rod Parsley (who only holds an earned Bachelor's degree; {has never attended an accredited seminary}; and with two 'honorary' ones) rides a "zip line" through his 'church' auditorium at the beginning of a 'worship' service.

Is it a bird? Is it Tom Cruise? No, it is a pastor!  Rod Parsley of World Harvest Church is raising some eyebrows by releasing this now-viral video of himself zip lining through the air over his cheering congregation, and landing onto his pulpit. His band is playing the “Mission Impossible” theme music to kick off its “Mission Possible” sermon series leading into Easter. If you send him your email, Parsley will send you a “voucher” for a free gift when you visit his church.

So is this another example of tomfoolery designed to entertain goats, or a real move of the Holy Spirit to save people on Resurrection Sunday?

WAIT! Don’t answer yet until you know the rest of the story. Rod Parsley preaches that he can infuse the Holy Spirit into a prayer cloth that you can PURCHASE for your own miracle healings, “for the release of your faith.” How much for the cloth? “It’s an expression of your faith. For some it’s $25, for some it’s $50, for some it’s $100, or $500, or $1,000,” exclaims Parsley. “Make your seed the expression of your expectation!”    (See the video below):

Doug Pagitt, heretical 'minister' of the "Emergent"
"Solomon's Porch," in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Pagitt runs a potluck brand of Christianity that tends to take the Bible lightly has some serious flaws from a biblical perspective.

According to Pagitt, the Bible is not about truth and doctrine but about “hopes and ideas and participation." Besides, rather than a pastor teaching the Bible, Pagitt believes there should be equal opportunity for everyone to dialogue in order to come to a consensus of what the Bible might be saying.
Pagitt is a Universalist: when you die your spirit goes to God and judgment means that whatever was not right or bad about you, gets all resolved, no matter if you're a Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim...doesn't matter whether you're a Christian really.  That's the unbiblical heresy of Universalism. 

He's not a pastor; he's not a Christian; "Solomon's Porch" is not a church.  When  you call yourself a Christian and you call yourself a pastor, and you say that you have a church,  all of that has to be legitimate, defined biblically.  And when it's not, that's not a church, and you're not a pastor, and you're not even a Christian!

Skulls Church (Kalispell, Montana):
New Age "Emergent" heresy
(video courtesy of Wretched TV)
Hipster Churches in Silicon Valley, CA
Atheist Congregation, "Sunday Assembly" comes to Silicon Valley, CA
Covenant Baptist Church
Garden Ridge, TX
(a Southern Baptist Church)
has embraced the Contemplative Prayer Heresy.....including Catholic votive prayer candles, breath prayers, centering prayer, and a Catholic-styled Labryinth on the church grounds.  They have profaned the Ordinance of the Lord's Supper by offering it in the center of this Labryinth!
The latest dopey trend in the "Emergent" Church: "The Harlem Shake"
(Video courtesy of Wretched TV)
A Slashed Worship Service:
a 'church' trying to make Jesus appear more interesting:

(courtesy of Wretched TV)
"The Emergent Church"

(Moving beyond the "Seeker Sensitive" and "Purpose Driven Church" off-brand religious movements)
Terminology and Concepts explained by Roger Oakland:
The new "Emergent Church" Philosophy Explained:

Emerging Church=the culture has changed and the new church must emerge to respond to the culture; that the old way we’ve done church won’t get it, because we can’t reach the 20-somthing, 30-something people, and the post-modern generation, and we have to change everything.

The Emerging Church represents:

Experience over Reason

Spirituality over Doctrine and Absolutes

Images over Words

Feelings over Truth

Earthly Justice over Salvation

Social action over Eternity


It is the redefinition of Christianity; it is the new liberalism.

The Real Roots of the Emergent Church

("Emergent Church: A new off-brand religious movement that goes beyond the "Purpose Driven" and "Seeker Sensitive" movements)

This Christian documentary film "The Real Roots of the Emergent Church" will take an honest look at the leaders of the Emerging Church movement such as Brian McLaren, Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones, Rob Bell, Tony Campolo, Steve Chalke, Peter Rollins, Dan Kimball, Richard Rohr, Phyllis Tickle, Spencer Burke and others. Who are they and what are they teaching? Become familiar with the postmodern Emergent Church and its popular tactic of literary deconstruction applied to the Bible. This film takes an in-depth look at what the Emerging Church believes concerning the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Scriptures, absolute truth, hell, homosexuality, mysticism, contemplative prayer, other religions, and eschatology in comparison to the Bible. Much more than candles and couches!

Subjects of this film were contacted for direct interviews. Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones and others were contacted in April 2011. No response. At a Love Wins book signing, Rob told us he would be willing to do an interview and to contact his church which was done several times with no response. We do not fault them for that knowing they are all probably very busy people. But for this reason we have resorted to their own public statements.

Participants: Eric Ludy, Joe Schimmel, Chris Rosebrough, Bob DeWaay, Gary Gilley, Ray Yungen, Robert LeBus, Jay Peters, James Sundquist, and Elliott Nesch.

(Notes by the film producer)

 (Used with permission)
Voices of the Emerging Church

"Voices of the Emerging Church" by Richard Bennett (Richard Bennett spent twenty-one years as a RC priest in Trinidad, WI. After a serious accident in 1972, he began to study seriously the Bible. After fourteen years of contrasting Catholicism to Biblical truth, he was convicted by the Gospel message. In 1986, he saw that justification is not being inwardly just as Rome taught, but being accepted in Christ. He was then saved by God's grace alone, and formally left the Roman Catholic Church and its priesthood. He has founded an evangelistic ministry to Catholics called "Berean Beacon.")

When Should People Leave Their Church?

-Dr. John MacArthur

Leaving a church is not something that should be done lightly. Too many people abandon churches for petty reasons. Disagreements over simple matters of preference are never a good reason to withdraw from a sound, Bible-believing church. Christians are commanded to respect, honor, and obey those whom God has placed in positions of leadership in the church (Heb. 13:7, 17).

However, there are times when it becomes necessary to leave a church for the sake of one's own conscience, or out of a duty to obey God rather than men. Such circumstances would include:

If heresy on some fundamental truth is being taught from the pulpit (Gal. 1:7-9). 

If the leaders of the church tolerate seriously errant doctrine from any who are given teaching authority in the fellowship (Rom. 16:17).

If the church is characterized by a wanton disregard for Scripture, such as a refusal to discipline members who are sinning blatantly (1 Cor. 5:1-7).

If unholy living is tolerated in the church (1 Cor. 5:9-11). 

If the church is seriously out of step with the biblical pattern for the church (2 Thess. 3:6, 14).

If the church is marked by gross hypocrisy, giving lip service to biblical Christianity but refusing to acknowledge its true power

(2 Tim. 3:5).

This is not to suggest that these are the only circumstances under which people are permitted to leave a church. There is certainly nothing wrong with moving one's membership just because another church offers better teaching or more opportunities for growth and service. But those who transfer their membership for such reasons ought to take extreme care not to sow discord or division in the church they are leaving. And such moves ought to be made sparingly. Membership in a church is a commitment that ought to be taken seriously.