What could possibly be a reason for
refusing to have church services but still meet in mass gatherings for
Wokeness? There is only one plausible answer. These folks have converted from
Christianity to embrace the Popularity Gospel.
The Religion of Wokeness is not
compatible with Christianity. It has its own doctrines, own worship, own
ordinances (chiefly, protest and virtue-signaling), and own messiah-figures. It
has its own, competing version of confession, repentance, and atonement.
True Christians need to reject Wokeness
– and the high priests of Wokeness – as fierce opposition to the Lordship of
Christ and true Christian religion.
Socialism is un-Christian and un-American, and needs to be rejected. Since 2020, we
have had a president, in obvious mental decline, who professes to be Catholic, while endorsing with his lips, a Socialist, anti-Israel agenda; speeches sprinkled with statements of disunity, blatant lies, and profanity (in one recent instance: taking God's name in vain), all of which is un-Christian. This man and his Vice President, have lowered the moral tone of our nation. We also have some anti-Christian members of Congress who do not stand for the historical moral values of our Country. Nor do these individuals stand for our Constitution. I am, thankfully, hearing of more and more Christians who have had enough of this rubbish and are standing up for what is morally and ethically right. It's time that we follow all the teachings of Jesus and tell the truth.
I stand by my previous assessment of over
4 years ago concerning President Biden: he is seriously cognitively impaired, and needs to retire. For someone who mentioned the word 'unity' 11 times in his inaugural address, he has brought disunity and done enormous cultural, constitutional, political, and social damage to the historic fabric of our country. We should feel sorry for his health, as many Americans know of family members who have gone through this type of illness; but we cannot be silent and support him and his surrogates. (See psychiatrist appraisal in video "Joe Biden's Mental Decline" and Mayo Clinic symptom list below). His Vice President Harris, has been complicit in the coverup of his medical condition. When she was installed as the front runner, never having received a single primary vote, her corrupt past became front-and-center, along with her Vice Presidential choice, Tim Walz, and his own Socialist past. Thankfully, they lost the general election.
If you think that too much emphasis about politics is placed on this webpage, I make no apology. I am not a 'political influencer' but I was brought up in a Christian family, by Christian parents who taught us children to tell the truth; and I'm not going to pretend that what is/was currently happening in our country, is right. The Bible is very clear about these matters. Therefore, like other ministers of the Gospel, I stand for what is true and right.
My Mother, who grew up in the Great Depression told me that her mother, Mrs. Katharine Wauchope Read, had to pawn her wedding ring to get the children's teeth fixed at the dentist; that she learned, with her grandmother, Lillah Porter Read, to drink coffee without sugar. They were living in
dire circumstances. They grew up in a day when a person's religious beliefs and character were important; shaped by their upbringing in a family that placed God, the Bible, Prayer, and religious teaching at the center of their home life. And they were not always wed to one political party as research clearly shows. Primary sources reported on the "Read Family Story" webpage, show that several members of the Read side of my family, voted Democrat one year, but switched to Republican the next year. The evidence indicates that they were concerned with the Christian character and conduct of the individuals who were running for office.
Sources also reveal that my Great Great Grandparents, John and Dicey Read who lived in Mississippi prior to the Civil War, did not follow the same political party as other family members. He supported Andrew Jackson but did not support Lincoln. The voting patterns/results in that region of Mississippi are absolutely clear.
I truly believe that my parents would be appalled at the lack of Christian principles by many today, (including the former President & Vice President) with regard to our current situation in America; especially in the 2024 election; when it is un-American to call another candidate 'Hitler-like' or 'fascist.'
Using catchwords 'Hitler' and 'Fascist' or
'he's a threat to Democracy', deliver the unthinking into the hands of the unscrupulous.
People who don't do their homework, and
rely on uninformed progressive mainstream media 'talking heads' to do their thinking for them, need to realize the eternal consequences of their influence on others.
You will find that 3/4 of the media films portrayed on this page come from overseas media/journalist sources, not from the
United States. Why? Because they are brutally honest in their assessment of
what is going on in our country. "Main-stream" media, I'm sorry to say,
can no longer be trusted to tell the truth.
Christians have a role to play in their family and their society; an active role, with love, truth, and civility, in letting Christ's light shine in the darkness: not just sit in a Sunday church service and then, go into the world and be silent as church mice! No, we are to call the world back to Jesus.
And in order to play that role, a Christian must be right within himself. He also must understand who are the ungodly, untruthful, unprincipled, underhanded; and not stand with or support those type of individuals who run for any local, state, or national office.
Psalm 1 speaks to this issue; one of the first scriptures my brother and I memorized as children: